An appeal

Quite probably you´ve already guessed it: I´d be overjoyed if any of you cared to invite any of your friends to read, follow, comment or vote in Blogging The View. I´m hoping to have as many readers as possible for the first review on sunday - say, having anywhere above eight would be fantastic. =J
So please, if you know anyone, either in real life, on an online forum, at Facebook or whichever places you might know of that I don´t, who you suspect might be interested in something like this, I´d be very grateful if you took the time to show them. ;)

In other news; Thanks to Taka and Hyun for having commented my blog - whenever I get comments that need answering, I´ll do my best to reply to it in my next blog update; alternately, I´ll contact the reader personally. As for Hyun´s question - Possibly. Documentaries aren´t exactly the kind of books I´m used to reading, but if you suggest me any, I´ll be sure to take a look at them. =)
Also; a great thanks to my current two followers. =)

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