3-2-1-test, 3-2-1-test...

...anybody reading me?

Seriously, are there anyone reading my blog? Naturally I´d like to know, so if you don´t mind, would you please leave a comment to this post if you´re reading BtV? =J

On another note, both of next sunday´s reviews will be by the same author, and it´s an author I´ve talked about before. Neither book will be voted about, I´m sorry to say. I´m terribly sorry for the monotony, but that just happens to be what I´m reading at the moment, and I´ve been slightly out of ideas (but that is soon to change, I believe).

Of the ideas that Hyun posted in a comment, and because of the review it got in my friend Reuben Horst´s blog, I´ve decided to read Eragon. I´m going to order it along with a bunch of Philip Pullman books, but I´m waiting for Michael Scott´s The Warlock to be released so I won´t have to pay another billion dollars for shipping. As such, I consider getting it at the library. I´m still open to suggestions, of course (and always am).

Anyway, thanks for your patience, support, votes and comments. Thanks for reading. =)


Elycia said...

I am reading your block when I have time Multi :D

and for the last part: Saxo.com isn't that expensive, but you can't pre-order it(yet)

Elycia said...

here you can pre-order it and it's not that expensive :D