Could you help the FBI?

I did mention I was occasionally going to write about something else than books, right? Either way, I am.

I found this roaming across the internet. There´s an interesting backstory, so I thought I´d bring it to someone´s attention.
In 1999, the body of Ricky McCormick was discovered in a field in Missouri, and in his pocket was found these two pages of seemingly irrational text. Now, twelve years later, the FBI publishes the two pages in the hopes that someone outside of their organization can help them decipher this.
For anyone interested, see FBI´s website (They have, by the way, a 'Fun and Games' section - really, The FBI? Should they be using their times on the entertainment of web-goers? =P )

You can see, in the upper right corner of the first page, a circle with something that resembles the word 'Pi' (or simply means 'P1' for 'Page one'). Pi, as we all know, is 3,1415926535897932384626, etc.

Some letter combinations are recurring in the text, such as WLD and NCBE, but none of them seem to apear on both pages. Could this mean he´s been using two different codes? The fact that page two has the printed text reading 'NOTES' might hint that they were written on two different occasions.

Please, be more than free to add your own thoughts.

1 comment:

J_3_s_5 said...

It's safe to say this is impossible. I wasted 1/2hr of my time trying to decifer any meaning what-so-ever XD.. I actually tried a bunch of codes (that, I'm sure, the FBI would have already tried), but received na-da.

I showed my dad (who is obsessed with puzzles), and he couldn't make heads or tails of it either.

I think it's really interesting though, a big murder mystery :)