Due to a lack of votes...

...Yeah, well, none of you have voted in this week´s poll, so I guess my opinions aren´t all that influential. I´m giving up this whole idea; it was fun for the while, and something to try out, but without any attention, it´d be pointless to carry on.
Let me recommend a few blogs that I´m following, though:

Reuben Horst´s blog (Like me, he reviews stuff, but unlike me, he´s likely to show you something you hadn´t heard of before, and he also has some of his life put in there, as well as his own works of fiction)

A Day In My Life (Or Just My Life) (This is the blog of Hyun, and the title pretty much decribes it better than I could)

Review King Souldin (Again, reviews - but this time, reviews of fanfiction and other things you likely won´t have to pay for)


1 comment:

faerygirl said...

I am terribly late, and for that I apologize. Hey, Multi!