Welcome to BtV

I am vividly pleased to welcome you, dear readers, to my new blog. =)
I am going to present myself, but first I have a more immediate matter - after all, don´t you need to know why I´m making this blog?
I am a great fan of contemporary reading - mainly Young Adult/Fantasy/Sci-fi-stuff, but occasionally other books. As I figure that my taste in reading is fairly similar to that of the avarage web-surfing culture geek, I realized that I could make this blog in order to share my opinions on the books I like. Occasionally, I might as well also write about a movie, a play, a drawing or even something from my own actual life. I will review two things a week systematically - each week I´ll choose one book (or something else) myself, and in the Weekly Poll (it should be visible to the right of this entry), the readers will decide what other title I´m going to write about.

As this happens to be a sunday, each review will take place on the same weekday. I might write them in advance, mind you, but they´ll get posted on a sunday (given that I can keep up with it, which I definitely can´t promise I´ll be capable of).
Additionally, I´ll attempt to keep up with the occasional blog entry about other stuff that I find fascinating.

Now, let´s move on to talk about me. Though I´m not actually important to the idea of this blog, I´ll have you know that I´m a boy aged fifteen who lives in Denmark. Things you might have in common with me includes going to a Rudolf Steiner School (you´ll know what that is if you go to one) and having an utter desire to become a writer/illustrator as soon as possible - I´ve found that many people on the internet share that dream.

I´m sincerely hoping to find some support from you in this blog - like all blogs, it won´t get far without readers, and without votes in my poll, I won´t know what to review, so I´m completely dependant on you. But certainly - it´ll work out, don´t you think? =)


Takanuvia said...

I bookmarked your blog, and I'll definitely check back often =J

The idea of reviewing books in here is awesome, and I'm curious to see what you'll review, and if I know some of the books/how many I know. ^^

So, keep it up, for I'll definitely be watching you(r blog) :]

J_3_s_5 said...

Hey, Hyun from AFC =D..

I saw your post in the community sites forum and thought "this could be veryyyy interesting XD", so here I am, following your blog.

Just curious, are you going to blog about any documentries?